Quest Arena —

  CPL 4 Team Tournament
The Cyberathlete Professional League (CPL) announced today that it will be will be holding an invitation-only four team Counter-Strike competition on Saturday, September 1, 2001, at the CPL offices located in downtown Dallas. The four teams have been selected based on past CPL tournament performance, and recent records while competing at the Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL). The selected Counter-Strike teams are: XTreme3 — two time defending U.S. CPL champion Domain of Pain — two second place wins at CPL tournaments Plano’s Asian Gang — top finisher in past CPL and CAL events Green Berets — winners of CPL qualifier and currently undefeated in CAL Five members of the winning team will receive, courtesy of Intel Corporation, state-of-the-art Pentium 4 Processor computers.
